Kutuharjun tutkimusjulkaisuja

Vuosi 2020:

Holand, H., Kvalnes, T., Røed, K.H., Holand, Ø., Sæther B.-E. & Kumpula, J. 2020. Stabilizing selection and adaptive evolution in a combination of two traits in an arctic ungulate. Evolution 74(1): 103–115. doi:10.1111/evo.13894

Paoli, A., Weladji, R.B., Holand, Ø. & Kumpula, J. 2020. The onset in spring and the end in autumn of the thermal and vegetative growing season affect calving time and reproductive success in reindeer. Current Zoology, Current Zoology, 2020, 66(2), 123–134 (online version first published in Current Zoology 2019, 1–12. doi: 10.1093/cz/zoz032)

Paoli, A., Weladji, R.B., Holand, Ø. & Kumpula, J. 2020. Response of reindeer mating time to climatic variability. BMC Ecology 20(44): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12898-020-00312-8.

de Villemereuil, P., Charmantier, A., Arlt, A., Bize, P., Brekke, P., Brouwer, L., Cockburn, A., Côté, S. D., Dobson, F. S., Evans, S. R., Festa-Bianchet, M., Gamelon, M., Hamel, S., Hegelbach, J., Jerstad, K., Kempenaers, B., Kruuk, L. E. B., Kumpula, J., Kvalnes, T., McAdam,, A. G., McFarlane, S. E., Morrissey, M. B., Pärt, T., Pemberton, J. M., Qvarnström, A., Røstad, O-W., Schroeder, J., Senar, J. C., Sheldon, B. C., van de Pol, M., Visser, M. E., Wheelwright, N. T., Tufto, J., & Chevin, L-M., 2020. Fluctuating optimum and temporally variable selection in the wild. PNAS 117 (50) 31969-31978; first published online: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2009003117

Vuosi 2019:

Paoli, A., Weladji, R.B., Holand, Ø. & Kumpula, J. 2019. Early‐life conditions determine the between‐individual heterogeneity in plasticity of calving date in reindeer. Journal of Animal Ecology 2019: 1–14. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13096

Paoli, A. 2019. Breeding phenology of a semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) population in response to climatic variability. PhD thesis, Concordia University, Canada.

Vuosi 2018:

Holand, Ø. & Weladji, R. B. 2018. Rangifer Mating Strategies. In Tryvan, M, Kutz, SJ (eds.) Reindeer and Caribou: Health and Disease. CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York.

Paoli, A, Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø. & Kumpula, J. 2018. Winter and spring climatic conditions influence timing and synchrony of calving in reindeer. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195603. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195603

Vuosi 2017:

Strong, J. S., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø., Røed, K. H. & Nieminen, M. 2017. Personality and fitness consequences of flight initiation distance and mating behavior in subdominant male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Ethology 123: 484–492.

Weladji, R. B., Body, G., Holand, Ø., Meng, X. & Nieminen, M. 2017. Temporal variation in the operational sex ratio and male mating behaviours in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Behavioural Processes 140:96-103.

Vuosi 2016:

Engelhardt, S. C., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø., Røed, K. H. & Nieminen, M. 2016. Allonursing in reindeer, Rangifer tarandus: a test of the kin-selection hypothesis. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 689-700. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyw027

Engelhardt, S. C., Weladji,  R. B., Holand, Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2016. Allosuckling in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus): A test of the improved nutrition and compensation hypotheses. Mammalian Biology 81:146-152

Vuosi 2015:

Body, G., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2015. Measuring variation in the frequency of group fission and fusion from continuous monitoring of group sizes. J. Mammal. 94: 791-799.

Body, G., Weladji, R. B., Holand,  Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2015. Fission-fusion group dynamics in reindeer reveal an increase of cohesiveness at the beginning of the peak rut. Acta Ethologica 18:101-110

Djakovic, N., Holand, Ø., Hovland, A. L., Røed, K. H., Weladji, R. B. & Nieminen, M. 2015. Effects of males’ presence on female behaviour during the rut. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 27:148-160.

Engelhardt, S. C., Weladji,  R. B., Holand, Ø., Røed, K. H. & Nieminen, M. 2015. Evidence of Reciprocal Allonursing in Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus. Ethology 121:245-259

Pintus, E., Uccdeddu, S., Røed, K. H., Gonzalez,  J. P., Carranza, J., Nieminen,  M. & Holand, Ø. 2015. Flexible mating tactics and associated reproductive effort during the rutting season in male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus, L. 1758). Current Zool. 61:802-810.

Uccheddu, S., Body, G., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2015. Foraging competition in larger groups overrides harassment avoidance benefits in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Oecologia  179: 711-718. DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3392-5

Vuosi 2014:

Body, G., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2014. Fission-fusion group dynamics in reindeer reveal an increase of cohesiveness at the beginning of the peak rut. Acta ethol. DOI: 10.1007/S10211-014-0190-8

Body, G., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2014. Highly Competitive Reindeer Males Control Female Behavior during the Rut. PLoS one 9. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095618

Engelhardt, S., Holand, Ø., Nieminen, M. & Weladji, R. B. 2014. Allosuckling in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus): milk-theft, mismothering or kin selection?”  Behavioural Processes: 107:133-141

Holand, Ø. 2014. Reinens reproduksjonsstrategi (in Norwegian). Norsk Vet Tidskrift, 2:92-100.

Muuttoranta, K. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2014. Reindeer production in Finland – integration of traditional and new technologies. Kappale kirjassa: Cattle husbandry in Eastern Europe and China – Structure, development paths and optimization. Toim.: Kuipers, A., Roztalnyy, A. and Keane, G. EAAP Scientific Series, Publication No. 135. ISBN: 978-90-8686-232-0978, DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-785-1.

Våge, D. I., Nieminen, M., Andersen, D. & Røed, K. H. 2014 Two missense mutations in melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) are strongly associated with dark ventral coat color in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Animal Genetics 45 (5): 750-753

Vuosi 2013:

Melnycky, N. A., Weladji,  R. B., Holand,  Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2013. Scaling of antler size in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus): sexual dimorphism and variability in resource allocation. Journal of Mammalogy 94: 1371-1379.

Muuttoranta, K., Tapio, M., Holand, Ø., Røed, K. H., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2013. Genetic and environmental effects in the variation of birth date and birth weight of reindeer calves. Rangifer 33(1):25-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.7557/

Muuttoranta, K., Tapio, M., Holand, Ø., Røed, K. H., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2013. Genetic variation in meat production related traits in reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus). Rangifer 34: 21-36.

Vuosi 2012:

Muuttoranta, K. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2012. Regional differences in reindeer herding operations in Finland. Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica, Section A – Animal Science,62(3): 142 – 152. DOI:10.1080/09064702.2012.747560

Muuttoranta, K. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2012. The reindeer herders are interested in selective breeding. Presentation in the 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Bratislava, Slovakia, 27 – 31 August 2012. Book of abstracts No 18 (2012).

Holand, Ø., L’Italien, L., Weladji, R. B., Djaković, N., Røed, K., Hovland, A. L. & Nieminen, M. 2012. Shit happens – a glimpse into males’ mating tactics in a polygynous ungulate – the reindeer. Rangifer 32: 65-72.

Body, G., Weladji, R. B. & Holand, Ø. 2012. The recursive model as a new approach to validate and monitor activity sensors. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1531-1541

L’Italien, L., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø., Røed, K. H., Nieminen, M. & Côté, S. D. 2012. Mating group size and stability in reindeer: the effects of male characteristics, sex ratio and male age-structure. Ethology 118: 783-792

Holand, Ø., Weladji, R. B., Mysterud, A., Røed, K. H., Reimers, E. & Nieminen, M. 2012. Induced orphaning reveals post-weaning maternal care in reindeer. European Journal of Wildlife Research 58: 589-596.

Tennenhouse, E. M., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø. & Nieminen, M. 2012. Timing of reproductive effort differs between young and mature male reindeer. Annales Zoologici Fennici 49: 152-160.

Djaković, N., Holand, Ø., Hovland, A. L., Røed, K., Weladji, R. B., Fjelstad, E. & Nieminen, M. 2012. Association patterns and kinship in female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during rut. Acta Ethologica  15: 165–171

Vuosi 2011:

Muuttoranta, K. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2011. Selection decisions among reindeer herders in Finland. Rangifer 31(1): 129 – 138.

Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2011. Influence of dam information on selection practices in reindeer.  Presentation in the 13th International Arctic Ungulates Conference, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, 22–26 August 2011.

Morden, C. C., Weladji, R. B., Ropstad, E., Dahl E., Holand, Ø., Mastromonaco, G. & Nieminen, M. 2011. Faecal hormones as a non-invasive population monitoring method for reindeer and caribou. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 1426-1435.

Tennenhouse, E. M., Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø., Røed, K. H. & Nieminen, M. 2011. Mating group composition influence somatic costs and activity in rutting dominant male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 287-295

Vuosi 2010 (tästä eteenpäin kaikki julkaisut mukana):

Muuttoranta, K. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2010. Haastattelututkimus porojen valinnan tavoitteista. Poromies 5/2010: 44–45.

Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2010. Emällä on suuri vaikutus vasan kasvuun. Poromies 5/2010: 45–46.

Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2010. Estimating Maternal Effects on Growth of Reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus). Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, Germany, 1st – 6th August 2010. ISBN 978-3-00-031608-1

Mäki-Tanila, A., Muuttoranta, K. & Nieminen, M. 2010. Maternal effects affect the genetic variation of meat production in reindeer. Presentation in the 61st Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Heraklion, Greece, 23 – 27 August 2010

Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2010. Estimating maternal effects on weight records of Kutuharju reindeer. Presentation in the 16th Nordic Conference on Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research, Tromsø, Norway, 16 – 18 November 2010. Rangifer Report No. 14 (2010), p. 103-104.

Weladji, R. B., Holand, Ø., Gaillard, J-M., Yoccoz, N. G., Mysterud, A., Nieminen, M. & Stenseth, N. 2010. Age-specific changes in different components of reproductive output in female reindeer: Terminal allocation or senescence? Oecologia 162: 261-271

Vuosi 2009 (ei norjalaisia tai kanadalaisia):

Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2009. Emät vaikuttavat vasoihin pitkään. Poromies 5/2009: 30.

Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2009. Eläinvalinnalla enemmän euroja. Poromies 6/2009: 24–25.

Poropäivien esityksiä (vain Muuttoranta ym. pitämät listattu)

24-25.4.2008: Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2008. Kutuharjun porot soveltuvat hyvin genetiikkatutkimukseen.

23-24.4. 2009: Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2009. Emät vaikuttavat vasoihin pitkään.

22- 23.4.2010: Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2010. Emällä on suuri vaikutus vasan kasvuun.

25-26.4.2013: Muuttoranta, K. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2013. Valinta on tärkeä porotalouden elementti.

25-26.4.2013: Muuttoranta, K., Nieminen, M. & Mäki-Tanila, A. 2013. Vasaominaisuuksien vaihtelun päätekijät.