
Chief of District: Väisänen Urho
Mobile:  +358 40 569 6592
Email: hossairni.paliskunta@gmail.com

44 Hossa-Irni

Hometown: Suomussalmi
Total area: 3 087.4 km2
Maximum number of reindeer: 3 000
Reindeer herders 71

Hossa-Irni reindeer herding cooperative is part of the Kuusamo reindeer marking district. The cooperative is located to the Kuusamo, Taivalkoski and Suomussalmi municipalities. The cooperative borders in east with Russian border, in south with Näljänkä, in west with Taivalkoski, in North with Akanlahti and Kallioluoma cooperatives.

50.5 % of the cooperative’s total area is state land and 49.5 % is owned by other landowners. There are several Natura 2000 areas, most significant being Martinselkonen, Hossa and Romevaara.

The cooperative does not have border or pasture fences. There are altogether nine autumn round up fences. In parts of these fences, there are separate feeding fences where reindeer can be kept and fed.

Most of the people live in the northern part, on the riveside of Iijoki. Also there are lot of people living by the Kianta waters. The biggest villages are Hossa, Ruhtinansalmi and Teeriranta. The herders live mainly in the Hossa area in Suomussalmi.