
Chief of District: Parkkinen Juha
Mobile:  +358 40 138 9488

53 Kiiminki

Hometown: Oulu
Total area: 851.4 km2
Maximum number of reindeer: 800
Reindeer herders: 30

Kiiminki reindeer herding cooperative is part of the Pudasjärvi reindeer marking district. The cooperative is located to the northeast part of the Oulu municipality. Kiiminki and Kollaja reindeer herding cooperatives are administratively different sized cooperatives. In practise, they have been herding together during the whole existence of the cooperative system. In general, people talk about Kiiminki-Kollaja cooperative.

The southwest border of the cooperative is also the border of the whole reindeer husbandry area. In north, the cooperative borders with Oijärvi, in northeast with Kollaja cooperatives, and in east with Pudasjärvi municipality.

17.4 % of the cooperative’s total area is state land and 82.6 % is owned by other landowners. Road 20 from Oulu to Kuusamo goes through the cooperative. In the Ii municipality area there is 8 kilometres of border fence.

The cooperative has Matala, Louko, Isokangas, Tiironkangas and Ahvenkangas autumn round up fences. Summer round up fences are Pyöriä-Orastinsuo, Konikaisto and Puurokangas.

The biggest villages are Yli-Ii, Jakkuranta, Maalismaa, Jolos and Hetekylä. Herders live mainly in these villages.