Chief of District: Jaurun Markus
Mobile: +358 40 732 1243
Email: porojauru@gmail.com

49 Pudasjärvi

Hometown: Pudasjärvi
Total area: 2 006.3 km2
Maximum number of reindeer: 2 200
Reindeer herders: 60

Pudasjärvi reindeer herding cooperative is part of the Pudasjärvi reindeer marking district. The cooperative is located to the Pudasjärvi and Utajärvi municipalities. The cooperative borders in north with Pudasjärven Livo, in east with Pintamo and in west with Kiiminki and Kollaja cooperatives. In south the border follows the reindeer husbandry area border.

38.5 % of the cooperative’s total area is state land and 61.5 % is owned by other landowners. There is Olvassuo strict nature reserve and several Natura mire reserves. Due to the large mire areas, there are peat production sites that limit the pasture areas and activities in the cooperative.

There are no border or pasture fences in the cooperative. There are altogether seven autumn round up fences. In some of the immovable fences, there are also fences for feeding reindeer where they can be kept and fed in case needed.

People live mostly in the northern part of the Iijoki riverside. There are also lot of people living on the riverside of River Kiiminkijoki and its tributaries. There are also lot of holiday cottages in the area. The herders live evenly around the cooperative. All of them also own land.