The reindeer fence between Finland and Norway
The fence between Finland and Norway was built in 1952. The aim of the fences is to support the reindeer husbandry in the areas by prohibiting reindeer from crossing the border.
The treaty between the states regulates the responsibilities related to the maintenance and building the fences. The treaty was first made in 1952 and it has been updated with law 29/1983 (act number 425/83) and act 30/1986 (act number 426/83). The existing legislation is 18.11.2016/978 (SopS 92/2016).
The maintenance of the fence between Finland and Norway as well as following the treaty is monitored by committee set in the agreement. Committee has six members: three from both countries. Chair of the committee is changed annually. The ministries responsible of the fences choose the members of the committee. The Finnish representatives are Director Anne Ollila from Reindeer Herders’ Association, Chief of Unit Hannu Linjakumpu from the Centre for Economic Development and Detective Chief Inspector Kirsi Huhtamäki from Police of Finland. The Norwegian representatives are Morten Floor Landbruks- og matdepartementet, Johan I. Haetta Landbruksdirektoratet and Katarina Påve Gaup Norske Reindriftsamers Landsforbund.