Damage to Farming

Reindeer husbandry is based on free grazing right. This has been secured through legislation with certain limitations. Reindeer have a right to stay or get food of an area irrespective of land ownership or possession rights. However, reindeer must be kept so that they will not cause damage to sapling stands in forest regeneration areas or cause any other unnecessary damage to agriculture or forestry (Reindeer Husbandry Act 3 § and 31 §. Freely grazing reindeer are in the control of the reindeer herding cooperative and they are responsible of the damage they may cause.

The reindeer husbandry area is divided into three different parts: Sámi reindeer husbandry area, an area especially designated for reindeer husbandry and other reindeer husbandry area. In the two first ones, reindeer herding as a source of livelihoods has a particularly significant role. Hence, there are special decrees in the legislation directed to protect particularly these special areas.


Contacts to the Chiefs of Districts